History of Feminism
In reply to the discussion: "A small group" is responsible for all that ails DU [View all]No, I did not consider your misreading of my remarks and then adding a personal attack as being appropriate. And I don't even know what you mean by "entitled double standard."
But your inappropriate responses serve no purpose whatsoever other than to add to the rancor around here. They don't inform, educate, enlighten, or expand the discussion. They were all about you, Squinch -- trying to get in some licks on somebody she or he considers unworthy.
Congratulations, you win.
And now I understand why elections are so close and why the Repubs may win the Senate this year. It's because Dems are constantly picking on each other -- *ass*uming the worst about each other -- looking down on others as *less than* perfectly tolerant, knowledgeable, progressive, and enlightened.
It's self-righteous Bull%hit of the first order. Judgmental. Self-righteous. Hypocritical BS!!!!!!
But take heart, you're not the only one around here who looks down on those of us who don't understand persecution, discrimination, intolerance, and prejudice as well as you do, Squinch. We just can't possibly know what it's like. Only you do. And only those of you who are puffed up by a sense of indignation and persecution can judge.
We, who have had the same or even worse thrown at us, cannot possibly be considered worthy or *good enough* to participate or, god forbid, object to the opinions of the herd. We're simply not outraged enough according to the tenants of our "betters" -- although we just may have struggled a lifetime to try to understand. That's all. Just tryin' to understand.