How patriarchal norms and "free-market" neoliberal capitalism intersect... [View all]
What are some of the ways that patriarchy and neoliberal capitalism intersect in society?
An obvious example that I can think of would be prostitution. The "free-market" libertarian/neoliberal ideology reflects the entitlement of wealthy white men to do as they please (even if it harms other people), while the victims of prostitution (and rape, and sexual assault and harassment in general) are blamed or condemned for their victimization by those who hold to a normative, hierarchical view of society; another name for the latter ideological current is "social conservatism."
If libertarianism/neoliberalism is primarily concerned with the economic wishes, sexual entitlement, and personal freedoms of the privileged in society, than social conservatism is about maintaining strict rules and norms for the groups in society who are victimized by the privileged-and the institutions that they control. And as we here know, the two currents have plenty of overlap.
-My $0.02.