We Have More Than Just a Campus Rape Problem. There Is Invisible Rape All Over [View all]
But I hope that, as we shake our heads in shame and frustration over student assaults, we dont forget the scourge of rape that has infiltrated every corner of our country not just the places that house college campuses.
In Rochester, New York, a 21-year-old man is facing state and federal charges for allegedly raping a 14-year-old girl and then posting a video of the attack to Facebook. The teeanger was unconcious while one man allegedly raped her and another filmed.
A Connecticut man has been arraigned after authorities say he kidnapped, raped and strangled the 19-year-old woman he was dating. A 28-year-old teacher in Oklahoma has been charged with raping her 15-year-old student. A man in Kentucky has been indicted on charges that he raped a child under 12 years old.
The Waupaca County police in Wisconsin are looking for a man they say tried to rape a teenager who accepted a ride home, and a wrestling coach in Eden, New York pleaded guilty to raping two teen girls at the school where he worked.
Oh, and, for a bit of context: All of this has happened in the last 48 hours.
These are just the stories we know about cases where victims have come forward and the local media is paying attention. But such cases represent just a small percentage of the attacks that happen every day every two minutes, in fact across the United States. These largely invisible sexual assaults the ones we never hear about are the ones where the most vulnerable are victims: homeless women, prisoners, the mentally ill, the disabled, children, sex workers and those addicted to drugs and alcohol. This is true not just in the US, but globally where the most disadvantaged are not only the most likely to be attacked, but the least likely to be helped.