The Wage Gap Makes Perfect Sense When Tech Executives Say What They Really Think About Women [View all]
Hes only the latest tech executive to put his well-paid foot in his mouth when giving advice to female employees. Just weeks before, Australian Evan Thornley, who founded the online advertising company LookSmart, told an audience that he could hire talented women relatively cheap to someone less good of a different gender. The pay gap, for him, represents great arbitrage. Women: talent on the cheap thanks to the gender wage gap.
He also later backtracked, saying that his intention didnt come out righthe meant to deride gender inequality in the tech industry and urge other companies to hire talented women and pay them properly instead of hiring incompetent men and giving them top dollar.
But what leaked out of these two executives mouths likely contains a good deal of truth. It is a narrow window into what they, and many of their peers, really think about womenwhich usually goes unsaid. And it exposes the fact that all the nice talk about wanting greater diversity may stand little chance against the unconscious (and sometimes very conscious) biases women face in the tech industry. The misconceptions and unfair perceptions of women swirling in mens heads hold women back. And the reality is, women are underpaid in tech. Women working in science, technology, engineering or math (commonly known as STEM) jobs make $15,900 less than men a year. College-educated women in Silicon Valley make $21,599 less. Even with various factors taken into consideration, female computer scientists make 89 percent of what male ones make. Looking at the data, its obvious that politely waiting until bosses offer raises isnt working.
But theyre not just paid less. Theyre also scarce. A new trend emerged recently: starting with Google in May, tech companies finally began releasing the demographic breakdowns of their workforces. Nearly every one has come with the familiar caveat that they want to do better and improve the numbers. Even so, as it stands, they all look eerily similar. Heres womens share of technical (not administrative or supportive) jobs at each: Twitter, 10 percent; Yahoo!, 15 percent; Facebook, 15 percent; Google, 17 percent; Apple, 20 percent; Pinterest, 21 percent; eBay, 24 percent; and Microsoft, where women are probably now thinking twice about asking for a raise, 17 percent.