On Bill Cosby and sociopaths/predators in high places [View all]
I wish I could say I was shocked by the recent allegations of sexual assault/rape against Bill Cosby from (literally) dozens of women (and counting) who have come forward over the past few weeks. However, I'm not shocked at all-and here's why.
Here's a simple fact: Bill Cosby is a very wealthy, and very powerful man. This is fairly uncontroversial, yet its significance to the current scandal is-IMHO-under-appreciated. Being in a position of power and authority in society or a particular field of work (entertainment in Cosby's case), being a celebrity and household name (like Cosby is-an added bonus for him), and last but not least, being trusted by people-including women-is the dream scenario for a sociopath/predator, because they are much more likely to get away with horrific acts.
There are a lot more sociopaths and predators in high places, in positions of power and authority, than most people would like to believe. They are a lot more "normal" and well-adjusted than you'd think. And in many cases-particularly in cases of sexual violence-they prey on people-women, men, and children-who know them and trust them. That is a terrifying reality to recognize.
-My $0.02.