Missouri lawmaker uses “men’s rights” talking points to justify abortion restriction [View all]
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Ive been following the increasing influence of mens rights rhetoriconce relegated to the fringeson mainstream conservatism with some interest and not a small amount of dread. The more traditional conservative argument against womens equality has been what Id call the complementarian argument, that women were put on earth by god to serve men and treat motherhood as their central life calling, and that feminism thwarts the natural order. Its not so much about hating women as demanding we know our place, though it is worth noting that it turns to hate pretty quickly should you refuse. But mens rights activists (MRAs) have a more overtly misogynist ideology to its core, painting women as a subversive force that needs to be subdued and controlled for the protection of men, which is a lot closer to how racists see black people than how sexists traditionally view women. The sense that women, particularly feminists, are out to get men pervades the MRA movement. The fights against sexual harassment and abuse are characterized not as authentic attempts to prevent violence, but as a secret war on male sexuality and fun itself. Educating people about domestic violence is seen as an attempt to steal from men through false accusations. Indeed, in the paranoid house of mirrors that is the MRA movement, women are forever false accusing and the government throws you in jail without trial the second a woman looks at you funny. Feminism is generally seen as an attempt to set up women, viewed as inferior people, as the power brokers in society and to oppress men, who are seen as the only meaningful contributors to society. (Thus the name of the MRA watch blog We Hunted The Mammoth.) With pick-up artists, women are characterized as malicious creatures who deliberately deprive worthy men of sex for the lulz. Everything women do that MRAs dont like, be it speaking out about rape or declining to date you, is viewed as done for hateful, malicious reasons. Its all a very adversarial view of men and women.
This does fly against the traditional religious right view of what the relationship of men and women should be, which is closer to men keeping women as beloved but decidedly inferior domestic animals. And yet
. Im seeing a lot more MRA talking points cropping up on Fox News and in other conservative media, and of course, the full throttle rape denialist feeding frenzy of this past month on the right shows how bad this has gotten. But now we have this weird story:
A Missouri Republican is pushing a bill that would allow a man who gets a woman pregnant to stop her from having an abortion. The measure would force a woman who wants an abortion to obtain written permission from the father firstunless she was the victim of legitimate rape.
Rick Brattin, a state representative from outside Kansas City, filed the bill on December 3 for next years legislative session. The proposed measure reads, No abortion shall be performed or induced unless and until the father of the unborn child provides written, notarized consent to the abortion.