History of Feminism
In reply to the discussion: The plight of the bitter nerd: Why so many awkward, shy guys end up hating feminism (Salon) [View all]Manifestor_of_Light
(21,046 posts)Smart guys often feel left out because they are many times not good at sports and not interested in sports. They think that because they don't fit the macho image, that they won't find a woman who is interested in them. Yes, they have male privilege to some extent, but have trouble talking to women and being sociable, because they have so many heavy thoughts going on in their heads in math and science, or engineering, or whatever.
There are many men who are intelligent and thoughtful and have no interest in sports, which makes them social outcasts in the general population. And there are some women who like that kind of man, and find that lack of interest in sports, and interest in more intellectual subjects, to be an attractive feature. Engineers can fix things and are very pratical, generally speaking.
And in the College of Engineering, they don't have a course in how to talk to women.
Reading radical feminists is not something that I think would help these men. I say all this as a woman who found out that extremely intelligent men who were hard science/engineering/math/physics/arch/CS majors and generally were ignored by most women, were good for having intelligent conversation with. This was when computers were the size of rooms.