History of Feminism
In reply to the discussion: Sanders brushes aside abortion "Lets have our differences " - what the fuck? [View all]merrily
(45,251 posts)Read a couple of news stories about the Firefighters event. Not O'Malley or Webb or Sanders or any of the The firefighters showed little interest in Republicans who pushed their party's usual talking points. They were interested in wages, collective bargaining, job safety and Homeland Security funding of fire departments. O'Malley mentioned those points and got a standing ovation. NONE of the candidates talked about reproductive choice. It was not the time nor the place nor the audience for that. Dwelling on it would have been weird.
Does the author of the hit piece you dug up mention ANY of that that though? No, he says Sanders didn't mention it, as though Sanders was alone in that and something about what Sanders did was weird.
I hope Sanders does NOT kow tow to bs like that. For too long, wedge issues have been issued to keep the focus off economic issues while the rich got richer.
Sanders announced all of a a month ago. In the early days of his campaign, he has to brand himself as being different from the same old same old. He has to show he is going to focus on bread and butter issues. His record leaves no doubt what he believes on wedge issues and how he has fought them all his life. The fact that he doesn't hammer that home in every speech does not mean he needs an education on Democratic values, ffs, as one poster here said. Nor does it mean he needs and education on how to campaign. Both those suggestions are totally contrary to reality.