Really amazing thread on "unpaid emotional labor" routinely expected of women... [View all]
both in relationships, extended family (often very extended!) and work.
I'd never considered what a wide range of activities it can encompass- from keeping up family ties, making schedules, constantly auditing - and considering - the happiness and well being of those around you. (That happiness and well being piece?- HUGE!)
And how these things are taken apart piece by piece and routinely devalued by society. How often women are pushed into the support roles at work and have their careers suffer for it. Lots I had not noticed or considered before.
There's a derail in there trying to make it all about sending Xmas cards, but it is countered with many sad stories of those unable to reach out and make connections (or sandwiches) and greatly suffering for it because they no longer have someone to do it all for them. The social costs are often great.
Really worthwhile and well moderated thread (because reading sexist derails is more bullshit work the mods there do not expect of readers- GO FABULOUS MODS!) It has given me loads to think about.