Hey HoFers, can I talk about Hillary Clinton with those of you who support her? (HoF group post) [View all]
I've read many of your reasons why you're supporting her over the past few months and even years. In a lot of ways, I think I have a pretty good understanding of those reasons. But I feel like I don't in many other ways. I've never had a good, long, in-depth discussion with any of you about it, and I'd like to do so now.
I think it's obvious why I'm posting this here. GD is nuts--racism, sexism, and all around terribleness abound. I'm really looking to listen and hear from people who I respect, and it's hard to do so with constant distraction. Hopefully those of you who are still around will be willing to talk with me.
I am sure I will criticize Clinton during this discussion; to be frank, I don't much like her. But then again, I like very few modern politicians--it's not particularly personal. Being the age that I am, I haven't grown up with her, watching her become dominant in a place few women ever have been, and I have little personal reason to like her or be inspired by her. The women I love listening to and have a lot of respect for are from a different place, a different type of politics, and a different perspective. That all being said, I have no reason to dislike her, either. I'm really quite ambivalent towards her--it's her policies and actions that turn me off.
I say this only to be clear about where I'm coming from in this discussion. I'll also add that while I'm primarily asking about Clinton, I'm not averse to discussing the other current Democratic candidates. I do support Sanders; however, that support is rather limited, and I'm always hesitant to say I do. I have a lot of criticisms of him as well. But this is all beside the point for now.
I'm hoping my record here will encourage people to respond to a question that normally goes unanswered, or answered in mostly vague or hostile terms. I'm not perfect--being a white male, I certainly come from a very different perspective. But I have always done my best to understand and listen, and I will do so now.
With that all said...
Why do you support Hillary Clinton for the presidency?