American and foreign. She is well known to foreign leaders. She has weathered more shit-storms than I can count-- and that's the ones in the public eye, the most egregarious attacks, that continue to this day. She's a true survivor. She acknowledges mistakes--even though generally, such a well known public figure, she's never forgiven for those mistakes, and in many cases never will be she keeps a steady course forward
Despite what you read from detractors, she has a liberal voting record. Even her IWV (one of her worst mistakes, as was not supporting Gay rights) was in the company of a lot other politicians. It was a lose-lose situation. When you examine her actual record, her votes in our current political system are as they should be.
Her ideas And plans are workable, sensible. They are not glamorous or idealistic, but things that can actually get pass congress--although it will be a battle. (I'm glad she's made criminal justice reform part of her platform, and I hope she listens to O'Malley, who has the most comprehensive plan of all the candidates--I want O'Malley in the public eye--he's awesome)
Her work in congress was tireless, trying to get progressive legislation passed in the face of a balky congress, her steady themes of social justice and fiscal responsibility.
( you can see here)
And finally, her work on woman's right's worldwide. She has done this work for decades--this is not political expediency, this is who she is. I may be an American feminist, but that's not the limit of my vision.
This record gets subsumed by here IWV, and her time as SoS (I would argue, and perhaps you would agree, that to avoid all conflict, to avoid all war, accepting the responsibility of SoS is not how to go about it. In doing so, the best one can do is mitigate conflict, never end it. At least in the current world-wide political climate)
That's the short version
I'm not going to go into too much more detail, nor am I going to defend Hillary against detractors here, although this group is quiet it is divided by members in feelings about candidates. The primaries are temporary