bell hooks: Feminism Is the Social Change Movement That Has Been Most Honest With Itself [View all]
G.Y.: Ive heard you speak many times and I noticed that you do so with a very keen sense of humor. What is the role of humor in your work?
b.h.: We cannot have a meaningful revolution without humor. Every time we see the left or any group trying to move forward politically in a radical way, when theyre humorless, they fail. Humor is essential to the integrative balance that we need to deal with diversity and difference and the building of community. For example, I love to be in conversation with Cornel West. We always go high and we go low, and we always bring the joyful humor in. The last talk he and I gave together, many people were upset because we were silly together. But I consider it a high holy calling that we can be humorous together. How many times do we see an African-American man and an African-American woman talking together, critiquing one another, and yet having delicious, humorous delight? Its a miracle.
G.Y.: What is your view of the feminist movement today, and how has your relationship to it changed over time?
b.h.: My militant commitment to feminism remains strong, and the main reason is that feminism has been the contemporary social movement that has most embraced self-interrogation. When we, women of color, began to tell white women that females were not a homogenous group, that we had to face the reality of racial difference, many white women stepped up to the plate. Im a feminist in solidarity with white women today for that reason, because I saw these women grow in their willingness to open their minds and change the whole direction of feminist thought, writing and action. This continues to be one of the most remarkable, awesome aspects of the contemporary feminist movement. The left has not done this, radical black men have not done this, where someone comes in and says, Look, what youre pushing, the ideology, is all messed up. Youve got to shift your perspective. Feminism made that paradigm shift, though not without hostility, not without some women feeling we were forcing race on them. This change still amazes me.