History of Feminism
In reply to the discussion: Clinton Calls Out Debate Moderators For Ignoring Women’s Health [View all]revbones
(3,660 posts)You are obviously free to reinterpret what I said however you want though, and continue to take liberties in that regard.
If I felt Hillary was truly bringing up the issue then I would not have said "pandering". But she brought it up in a debate with an opponent that is actually even more on that side than she is (since she is willing to compromise on abortion). She brought it up after it had already been discussed in the town hall, and it took time away from a debate which is intended to highlight differences.
Again, I feel that you're more perturbed about a slight to Hillary, than anything else. Enough so to twist it up to try to say I was maligning women's rights, when I wasn't - I just dislike those people that pander to various groups without real meaning behind their statements and I feel that's what Hillary did last night. I get that you feel that any mention, regardless of motive furthers the cause, but you ignore that I feel that cheap pandering does not further this cause. We can disagree without cursing at each other and alienating one another on an issue we should have common ground on.
Would you have felt the exact same way if Bernie had just randomly brought it up even though Hillary agrees with him? I would.
I guess maybe you and I understand the definition of a debate differently. Do you really see it as a platform to yell agreements at each other?