Women, Misogyny, Feminism, Philip Roth, trump and the NewYorker Radio Hour [View all]
I have never knowingly read Philip Roth, the not so subdued misogyny has always pushed me away.
snip..."At the root of the accusation is Roths gleefully lascivious objectification of women in his novels. In Portnoys Complaint, an attempted rape is treated as slapstick comedy; in The Breast, a man tragicomically turns into a breast from longing for them too much. Womens bodies are the eternal punch line. A glimpse of female skin turns male characters into bumbling, venal clowns, no longer responsible for what they do."
There is quite a bit more in that article to think over.
Today I heard the NewYoker Podcast about Philip Roth, and the clip with 3 appatently regarded women writers spoke about him and his involvement with women in many ways.
Did anyone else hear this? I'd like some feedback. Thanks