Almost one in ten Australian men have committed a sexual offense against children, study finds [View all]
Cross posting from GD
The first nationally representative research into the prevalence of child sexual offending behaviors and attitudes has shed unprecedented light on sexually abusive behaviors and feelings among Australian men.
Released today by UNSW Sydney and Jesuit Social Services, the study reveals that, of the community sample surveyed, 1 in 5 Australian men reported sexual feelings towards children and/or have sexually offended against children, with one-third of those who have thoughts towards children motivated to access help.
The largest study of its kind ever undertaken globally, "Identifying and understanding child sexual offending behavior and attitudes among Australian men," measures the prevalence of risk behaviors and attitudes regarding child sexual offending among a representative sample of 1,945 Australian men aged 18 to over 65.
The report provides a new approach for measuring and tracking this issue and includes information that can bolster the service responses and attitudinal changes that help keep children safe from harm.
I would ask why aren't there more studies like this, but then when you consider that this study not only revealed that around 1 in 5 men admitted to having sexual attractions towards and/or sexually abusing minors, and this same group were over eleven times more likely to watch violent porn and over sixteen times more likely to purchase sexual content online, compared to men without feelings/offenses toward children... well it seems far less puzzling.
Porn = money. It's always about the money. Apparently only a vanishing few care to deal with the sickness, and the consequences just get ignored.