No Weapons at FAA [View all]
The safety and security of all individuals who work at or visit FAA facilities are vital to the execution of the Agencys mission. It is important that FAA employees, contractors and visitors understand that federal law prohibits certain items from being brought onto any federal property and/or into a federal facility.
FAA Order 1600.69B, Change 1, prohibits individuals on any FAA facility from carrying or having in their possession any firearm, ammunition, or other weapons even if it is inside their privately-owned vehicles parked on federal property or within a federal facility. Regardless of state or local laws or whether an individual lawfully possesses a concealed carry weapons (CCW) permit or badge, this prohibition applies to all FAA or GSA owned or leased property.
What a totally refreshing and welcome policy in the workplace. If only the ALEC/NRA bought-and-paid-for politicians thought as much of all workers as the Federal Government does of theirs.