Top Constitutional Lawyers Explain What the Second Amendment Really Says About Gun Control [View all]
In the wake of the shooting in San Bernardino, California, prominent conservative politicians have again squashed momentum to step up gun regulation, using the Second Amendment to make their case for maintaining the status quo.
The day after the shooting, Republican presidential candidate and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz predicted that the shootings would lead to renewed calls for gun control.
This kind of absolutism on gun laws is nothing new. Conservatives have spent years making the case that any form of increased gun control is an affront to Americans' constitutional rights as provided by the Second Amendment.
The largest misconception is that the Second Amendment justifies or ever has justified our nation's abysmal record in protecting innocent people from avoidable gun violence," Tribe told Mic. "The Second Amendment and the Constitution as a whole are abused by those who treat them as a sick suicide pact."
The above is just a brief synopsis, but the entire article is worth a read. Second Amendment absolutists, spurred on by ALEC/NRA/ILA are guilty of outright murder by blocking needed legislation to curtail gun violence in this country. They hide behind a false premise that the Second Amendment is sacrosanct and inviolable. It is neither.