Turns Gunshots Into Tweets to Congress [View all]
LOS ANGELES, June 2, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Today is Gun Violence Prevention Dayit is also the launch of a new tool for voters to have their voices heard on Capitol Created by Award-Winning Creative Director Carl Corbitt and developed and produced by Left Field Labs, turns news reports collected by the Gun Violence Archive into tweets to members of Congress so constituents can automatically share the news of every gun-related death with their elected officials along with a message prompting them to take action.
"The daily effect of gun violence is always eclipsed by the horrific tragedies of mass-shootings. Yesterday every news network had cameras on UCLA, but even these events never stay top-of-mind for long for most lawmakers. ShootATweet aims to let the daily death toll speak for itself," explains Corbitt.
Corbitt began work on ShootATweet late last year after People Magazine published the contact information of every member of Congress following the mass shooting in Roseburg, Oregon. Corbitt explains, "The goal was to find a simple way for people to reach out to Congress after every shooting, not just those covered by National media."
While some consider automated Twitter messages SPAM, Corbitt disagrees, "I don't believe a voter's opinion is junk mail. So while the gun lobby spends Millions to be heard by Congress, we're using technology to help ordinary citizens be heard too."