The average gun owner now owns 8 guns — double what it used to be [View all]
There are nearly twice as many guns in the average gun-owning household today as there were 20 years ago, according to new Wonkblog estimates based data from surveys and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
In 2013, there were an estimated 8.1 firearms in the typical gun-owning household, according to these data. In 1994, the average gun-owning household owned 4.2 guns.
These numbers comport with what survey research has shown for several years now: the share of gun-owning households has been declining over the past 20 years and possibly more, according to numbers from Gallup and the General Social Survey. On the other hand, domestic firearm production and imports of firearms have risen sharply, particularly in recent years.
If those numbers are correct, it follows that increasing gun purchases are being driven primarily by existing owners stocking up rather than first-time buyers.
Plenty has been written about the decline in overall gun ownership rates. Many of these stories are based on the General Social Survey's data,
which shows household ownership rates falling from over 50 percent in the 1970s to around 32 percent today. Some gun rights advocates dispute these numbers, preferring to use Gallup's household ownership rates instead, which have remained essentially flat over the same period.
But in recent years, it seems many gun owners have seen fit to expand their toolboxes. There are probably a number of factors driving this:
fear-stoking by some gun rights groups in the wake of mass shootings can lead to surges in gun-buying from existing owners concerned the government could take their guns away. The rising popularity of "prepper" groups, who stock up on food and firearms in preparation for a variety of coming apocalypses, may also be playing a role.
The ALEC/NRA/ILA knuckle dragging bunch argues loudly and continuously that gun ownership is on the rise, and that guns are more popular than ever. Bullshit! Only a dwindling bunch of middle-aged, married/divorced, right-wing, white men are hoarding guns for the coming race war and a long sought war against the US Government.
That the average gun-owning household has 8 guns is not surprising, nor is it in and of itself alarming -- as long as they keep the damn things at home. When these same deluded jackasses bring their lethal weapons into the public venue, however, the Second Amendment no longer applies, and the right of the public to be safe from gun violence prevails.
Support a gun control organization of your choice today, and help to rid our neighborhoods and streets of guns and gun violence.