I personally have about 8 guns. All but one is a historic relic. Five designed prior to 1898, two designed in the 1920s, one designed in 1893 and one modern shotgun for bird hunting. I purchased one relic for each of my grandchildren who, when they turn 21, will inherit these pieces of military history (assuming they are willing to purchase a suitable gunsafe and bolt it to the wall). I go for two years or more without laying eyes, much less hands, on one of them. I have not made a purchase in six years.
What bothers me is that the new buying profile is semi auto current military style weaponry capable of firing several hundred rounds a minute relatively accurately. These buyers are not just collectors or hunters, they believe they NEED these things to be safe. Safe from who? Safe from people with guns of course. There seems to be no thought for safety for the vast majority of these buyers as given testimony by the hundreds of toddlers shooting themselves and others with mommy and daddy's guns.
The new buyer is preparing for urban warfare. The guns I own are 55 inches long with barrel lengths of 40 plus inches (add another 22 inches if the antique bayonet if fixed--makes a good tent pole in a pinch). A wheelchair friendly hallway is less than 40 inches wide. I literally cannot make a 180 degree turn in a wheelchair friendly hall way without bringing these things to a vertical position. An AR-15 with a 20 inch barrel can be carried at the ready in firing position and make that 180 degree maneuver in a non wheelchair friendly hallway. At best my relics can fire 5-6 rounds a minute and can be reloaded in 2 minutes if you aren't under stress. An AR is capable for 700/minute and being reloaded in less than a second.
Like BillH I support strong gun control and want to decrease the number and availability of modern military style weaponry. This shit has just gotten nuts.