Your opinion on gun control doesn't matter [View all]
Can we stop looking at gun rights as an ideological issue? This is no longer ideological. I don't care how you feel in theory: I care what is happening in practice.
In practice, there have been 351 mass shootings in only 336 days. More people will die by guns than in car accidents this year. In practice, this is a public health crisis.
If you still bristle at the idea of gun control, fine. All I'm asking is that you call a spade a spade. To you, the right to own a gun including one of those assault weapons that looks like what a robot might utilize to kill the enemy in a movie called Robot War 3is more important than peoples lives.
Peoples lives matter less than your gun.
You may try to work your way around that statement, but evidence shows that I'm right.
Nothing will stop you from believing that ownership of a gun is more important than dead people. Dozens of people killed in disability centers and churches this year alone? Worth it. Man shoots up kindergarten classrooms at an elementary school? Worth it. The knowledge that any time you're in a remotely public place you could get gunned down? Worth it.
"That's the price we pay for freedom," you shrug, although you've never actually had to pay the price. Even though there is no freedom in being scared to walk out of your house, scared to eat in the cafeteria, or go to the doctorscared of any place with people.
That's the price we pay for "freedom" the gun lobby says, ad nauseam.
It's in the Constitution they say, as if that fact alone justifies all of the deaths and injuries caused by lax gun regulations.
I need a gun for protection is the rallying cry of the dwindling and fearful gun culture in this country.
The level of fear that requires an American citizen to be armed at all times is almost unimaginable to most Americans (who are not gun owners). The level of passion that some gun owners display for the "right" to carry a lethal weapon on our streets and in our communities is absurd beyond belief.
Yet it is almost a certainty that we will see more mass murders in the coming months and years, more children "accidentally" shoot themselves or others, and more serious injuries at the end of a gun -- because "Liberty." Contrary to the gun lobby's stated opinions, our dead DO trump your right to be irresponsible with your gun, and an anti-social health menace to our daily lives.