Why Gun Nuts Lie – [View all]
(cross-posted from Good Reads)
"...stop acting like your little AR-15 is going to stop tyranny.
Just be honest. You like it because it makes your pee-pee big, and when you fire it, it gives you a tingle in your no-no place.
Trust me, I understand...
...A collection of studies from 2012-2013 found that having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of deathand that of your spouse and children. If you have a gun (regardless of how its stored), everybody in your home is more likely than your non-gun-owning neighbors and their families to die in a gun-related accident, suicide or homicide.
Gun owners and their families are not more suicidal than non-gun-owners, research shows. Nor are they more likely to have a history of depression or other mental health problems.
But theyand their familiesare at significantly increased risk of successfully taking their lives with a gun..."