The claim someone needs an AR-15 type weapon for home defense [View all]
This morning I saw a post in the RKBA group that has since been blocked. This person claimed to have experienced a home invasion and asked for advise on the best gun for home defense. There were over 50 posts recommending various handguns and shotguns with the usual pictures and all. The thing that stood out to me was with all these recommendations no one single person recommended an AR-15 or anything similar to that. Every time I see a thread on banning such guns out comes all these people claiming they are the best home defense weapon you can get. I had an argument a couple days ago with one of them. I told him that the AR-15 .223 cal. would be the last weapon you would want, first of all you would be at close range, second you would stand a good chance of killing another family member or a neighbor with a stray bullet. No according to the gungeon experts you have to have an assault weapon. But here we have a tread asking for advise on a gun for home defense and nobody even mentions such a gun.