Back in the 80s they called themselves constitutionalists.... maybe some of them still do.
Far right extremists, conspiracy theorists, racists and many of them scam artists.
They would file false liens and sue people in frivolous law suits they ginned up using their twisted ideology.
Near as I can tell they are kind of political cult spreading their ideology through meetings and indoctrinating their kids in the hate and entitlement.
Bundy's are part of these nutjobs. Militias, patriot movement, all going to back to their grand daddy the John Birch Society.
I am guessing many of them may be connected to KKK or maybe neo nazi groups as well.
They don't pay their taxes, they are squatters like the Bundy's. Think they are feudal lords and don't answer to the law.
There was a little knot of them in my hometown. One of the guys owned a junkyard, did not pay his taxes until the IRS came seized it all.
Another one of them was our neighbor a house down. He owned a body shop, southern, strict protestant christian, racist. He kept his nose clean though.
His son was two, three years younger than me. He grew up in strict christian conservative home.
I was home for Christmas several years later and went to local bar with my sister. Here he is, this kid who used by the neighbor kid, hanging out in the bar, drinking and telling me who amongst local ladies in the bar he had had and their pubic grooming habits.
They would be people you just shake head at and might find amusing but every now and then one of these fanatics snaps and they blow up a federal building.
Fortunately, most of them realize that despite the "oppressive" feds trying to take all their freedoms (usually the freedom to con people) and the other bullshit they spout, they have a good life and they know enough not to go too far.