Latest mass shootings all have something in common: the AR-15 [View all]
When a gunman attacked a high school in Parkland, Fla., on Wednesday, killing 17 people, the event marked a depressingly familiar milestone.
As of this week, seven of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in modern U.S. history have all happened since 2007. The Parkland massacre is now the eight-deadliest attack.
The nation's mass-shooting problem seems to be getting worse. And the latest, most serious shootings all seem to have one new thing in common: the AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle.
The AR-15 that typically has large magazines, shoots rounds at higher velocities than handguns, and leaves more complex wounds in victims.
The Orange Anus Mouth has diagnosed the shooter as being "mentally disturbed." You think?
The correct question, however, is how did this troubled young man get his hands on the deadly weapon described above? Once again, the NRA has made it possible to easily fill the demand for lethal weapons to anyone who wants one.