... and I was even an NRA member when it was an HONORABLE sportsman's organization, which is to say, before Wayne LaPierre polluted it.
In my humble opinion, lobbyists shouldn't even exist. I don't have one, do you? Corporatism will be the death of this nation. Corporatists want a new feudalism. The Santa Clara Decision of 1886 was the camel's nose under the tent, and the progenitor of "Corporations are people, my friend". No, Mittens, they. Are. NOT. People. They are legal entities on paper. Nothing more,
Now, if ALL corporations were required by law to be B-Corps (Beneficial corporations) we might be able to correct our course and make America what we all hoped it would be before the oligarchs poisoned it for their own benefit.
Yes, there will almost certainly be blood; psychopaths never relent until they're in their graves. I am old, but I am still a deadly marksman.
The seven pillars of Bushido are: Righteousness, Loyalty, Honor, Respect, Honesty, Courage and Consistency. Or, everything Republicans aren't.
If such a code of honor were something all people aspired to, saving the planet, and thus, the continued existence of humanity, might be achieved. But as long as corporatists are pulling the strings, no. The simple-minded will screech, but, but, but that's SOCIALISM! Right. And honestly defined, socialism is putting the best interests of people ahead of the malign interests of corporations.
Society, which is to say, government, should conduct itself with the best interests of the individual in mind, and individuals should conduct themselves with the best interests of society in mind. Balance. Harmony. Survival.