Sheriff vows not to enforce Colorado's tough new gun-control bills [View all]
The Colorado legislature has passed several gun control bills. If they're signed into law, one sheriff says he will not enforce them mirroring the sentiments of many other rural sheriffs.
By Amanda Paulson, Staff writer / March 18, 2013
Boulder, Colo.
Colorado is on track to become the first state after New York to significantly increase gun control in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., shootings, with several bills passed by the legislature now awaiting an expected signature by Gov. John Hickenlooper.
The degree to which these measures get enforced, however, is a question mark.
Even before the bills had passed, the County Sheriffs of Colorado came out against the measures urging a one-year wait after Newtown before any gun-control legislation was introduced. And now, at least one Colorado sheriff has said he doesn't support the new laws, and doesn't plan to enforce them.
Theyre feel-good, knee-jerk reactions that are unenforceable, Weld County Sheriff John Cooke told the Greeley Tribune. "Criminals are still going to get their guns."
Looks like Colorado is going to need to wield the power of the purse to get these guys in line. Just more selfishness from the NRA types.