Interfaith Group
In reply to the discussion: We need to have a discussion about the rules [View all]LostOne4Ever
(9,597 posts)Last edited Tue Dec 9, 2014, 07:17 PM - Edit history (1)
[font style="font-family:papyrus,'Brush Script MT','comic sans MS',fantasy;" size=4 color=teal]Then it is not [font style="font-family:'Brush Script MT',''Lucida handwriting','forte',cursive;" size=5 color=crimson]"militant atheism."[/font]
So a slur is used and I simply explain how why I consider it a slur and that is emotional or over the top? I ask you to reread my statement. It was not emotional or over the top. I feel I was fairly neutral in my response.
Does objecting, even if emotional, to a slur now count as extremism (using this word because I object to the other)? So are the LGBT group extremeist when they get upset about someone using a slur against them? The feminist groups? The various ethnic groups?
What rules did I break? Meanwhile the OP of the thread in question criticizes a type of non-belief (which is against the SOP) calling it authoritarian and a reptilian brain (dehumanizing an entire group) and for the act of speaking on my own behalf, calmly and rationally I deserve to be banned?
I was attacked for simply commenting on a post and I am the offending party? One of the hosts responds to my post with a hostile tone and I respond back calmly and it is me who is the problem?
Interfaith is supposed to be people of different religious traditions coming together and working for a bigger goal than themselves. Part of that is talking to each other and acknowledging our differences. Discussing things and trying not to offend each other. My comment was in that tradition.
But again, I am breaking the rules by following them?[/font]