Interfaith Group
In reply to the discussion: A word or two about this group.... [View all]MADem
(135,425 posts)I don't think we want to limit our discussions here to "various religious and spiritual practices"--that is a rather narrow charge that would stifle conversation. I think the "religious topics and events" umbrella in the OP is a bit broader; it allows people to talk about things that aren't specifically "practices" but are related to religion (a recent topic of interest might be, say, the biography of the new Pope--no "practices" there, but it's related to religion in that the guy is the head of one of the world's largest religions).
I also do think it is important to specify, plainly, in the SOP, that this isn't a "belief challenging" forum (Criticisms of individual beliefs or non-belief, or debates about the existence of higher power(s) are not appropriate in this group. Those who wish to challenge or criticize beliefs should avoid this group in favor of the more free-wheeling Religion Group). We already have a group where "belief challenging" is permitted, and as new people come to DU--as they do--it's important to let them know what's out of bounds in a safe-haven group, and where they can go if they want to discuss challenges to people's beliefs. We can't expect them to know the rules without a bit of a rulebook, and that's what the SOP is supposed to do--lay out the general guidelines for what's appropriate in the group. Also, how can a jury hide "inappropriate" conduct if there are no guidelines or prohibitions in the SOP?
If you read the SOP for the "Religion" Group, you'd never know it could get as "cage match-ish" as it sometimes does. It welcomes everyone to discuss religious and theological issues. It reads like the bylaws for the Garden Club! Who would ever expect to see some of the acrimony we've seen over the years in a group with a SOP that reads thusly?
Discuss religious and theological issues. All relevant topics are permitted. Believers, non-believers, and everyone in-between are welcome.
The OP SOP draft for this group also welcomes all DUers of tolerance and good will (people of all faiths, spiritual leanings and non-belief) but it also makes it very clear what is out of bounds. I do think that needs to be in the SOP, plainly stated, not just to guide posters, but also, because if it isn't, there's no difference between this group and Religion. I also think it's important to let people know that DU isn't censoring them; and that there is another group where challenges and criticisms to individual's beliefs are appropriate, but just that this group isn't the place for that.