A Vote For "Draft Warren" Is A Vote For A Democratic Primary - Truth-Out [View all]
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A Vote for "Draft Warren" Is a Vote for a Democratic Primary
Wednesday, 24 December 2014 09:27
By Robert Naiman, Truthout | Op-Ed
If you object to the proposition that Hillary Clinton should become the Democratic nominee for President in 2016 without having to substantially engage with Democratic primary voters and caucus-goers about what she would do as President, speak now ( http://runwarrenrun.org/ ) or forever hold your peace. Whether this proposition succeeds or fails is likely to be largely determined in the next few months.
In 2016, if Hillary Clinton becomes the nominee without having to defend her positions in front of rank-and-file Democrats, it is certain that some people will loudly complain. Here's what I will then say: "Take away from me the noise of your songs, to the melody of your harps I will not listen." The time to act to forestall this outcome is now.
MoveOn and Democracy for America have a plan to forestall this outcome: draft Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren to run for President.
Opposition to this plan can be sorted into two categories:
1. People who want Hillary Clinton to become the Democratic nominee without having to substantially engage Democratic primary voters and caucus-goers about what she would do as President.
2. People who think that "Draft Warren" is an imperfect vehicle for opposing "no primary."
To the advocates of "no primary," I would say this: do you think we have too much democracy in the United States right now, or too little? Do you think we have too much popular participation and engagement in the political process, or too little?
If you think we have too much democracy, participation and engagement in the political process right now, then you and I are not playing for the same team.
But if you think we have too little democracy...
Link: http://truth-out.org/opinion/item/28191-a-vote-for-draft-warren-is-a-vote-for-a-democratic-primary