Here's a glimpse into Liz that I hadn't seen before from 2012. [View all]
I read Matthew 25:40 the same way she does. Even though I am not a believer in the traditional religions the thought behind the scripture is beautiful . That IS why we need her as President.
I grew up in a Methodist church and I was a Sunday school teacher when we lived back in Texas. When I was making the decision whether to get into this Senate race, one of the important touch points for me was to read my bible. And its Matthew 25:40, you know the passage? For me, that passage is the heart of what I believe. Because what it says is Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these the least of these my bretheren. ... (I still use the King James version, its beautiful).
It says three things: it says there is God in...the hungry, the poor, the stranger, there is God in each of us. Because. Remember, it says you did it unto me. And thats saying God was in, God is in, the poor, the thirsty, the stranger.
But then part two is he never asks the question of going to heaven and hell, what your intent was, the question was: Did you act? And those who gave meat to the hungry, those who gave water to the thirsty, those who welcomed the stranger in, were the ones that God welcomed to heaven. ... It stresses the importance of community, because it says, in fact, its about action and its about action together.
And thats how I read Matthew 25:40. And its why Im in this race.