reading my Harpers April addition on great articles, there was one about Citi group, and as I was reading the article and also reading The Divide by Matt Tiabbi and his great book I was thinking,
I have Warrens back and I will do what I can to have her run, to bring these issues to the fore front, because we the public are getting all of the ooh's and aah's of Clinton and nothing but the same talking points from the right wing corporatist of greed and the "third way" as a solutions-----wrong.
Look no further than legislation that one DINO business Congressman from Maryland (6th District)who wants to fast track---called SOCIAL SECURITY and have a MEANS TEST, with a right wing republican ---amazing, they just don't care, that action should be asked to Clinton, Warren, Sanders, Brown, O'Malley, Walker, Old Jebby, Rubio, Cruz and others.
I pretty much know the answers from the right and the third way, but I support Warren, Brown, O'Malley, Sanders and other progressives
I trust Warren and any other progressive before I will trust Clinton and the editorial pieces from the Boston Globe got it right with there endorsement, we don't need a rubber stamp candidate we need a Congress and president to straighten out this mess, and we need a president that will nominate progressives to the U.S. Supreme Court bench and federal benches, this next election has an back burner issue of "four" justices, three right wingers and "one" progressive over 75, society cannot take another right wing republican stacking the bench or the courts with a continuation of the corruption of Citizen United, and the continued attack on society as a whole--------Elizabeth I can't or don't have 328 million but I have something to help you, me and my society and I will send what I can, I cannot afford a plate of food for 50,000 dollars to corrupt our government further, our government should not be based on a plate of potatoes, broccoli and steak, and talk of gutting and cutting for greed and blaming the have not's being in the way of the have's and there greed