do not buy anything which is associated with Jeff Bezo's (Amazon).
I do not personally think that the op-ed writers of the Washington Post such a George Will, Charles Krauthammer, and others of this ilk should be in that newspaper.
I wonder if they have an Ombudsman position (if it was not cut to make a profit).
This paper has become a shrill of right leaning misinformation and a lot of people are not buying this rag, they are owned by an oligarchy and Jeff Bezo's business model.
I am ecstatic that Warren put people on notice and forced them to side on the issue of Social Security, this is a fundamental issue of human beings paying and getting there money for there later years and having something, instead of standing on a street corner with sign saying---"homeless will work for food, god bless you." It just makes my blood boil to see a human being begging to live.
Because most of these human beings standing on that corner have to wait until there 66 to get "there" money and there are some who want to raise the age higher---they should be making it lower and without a "MEANS TEST".
Right now there is a "Fast Track" bill being introduced in the House by a DINO from Maryland--- Delaney (6th District) and by a Oklahoma republican by the name of Cole, who want to place this "TRUST FUND" into the hands of crooks on wall street and hedge funds and have a "MEANS TEST", you just can't make this stuff up.
These two hypocrites are using the tactic that this program is going broke---- it is not, my generation has being paying the 6.2% pay deduction longer than anyone else (and have subsidized over three generations----because we are the baby boomers and I personally feel that not only am I helping myself, but helping others).
If these two hypocrites were to lift the cap (presently $118,000.00), so that everyone pays there earned income fair share (after $118,000.01 cent), there would be no issue, but these two want a "MEANS TEST"---just like what, Hassert--Delay did in there 2006 voice vote.
They attacked the Postal System retirement pension program and forced the employees to pay for retirement 75 years into the future, no corporations at the present moment has to do this-----none.
Again this why I am ecstatic that WARREN had this vote on the public record.
Now we know that two so called democrats did not care about the person standing on the street corner begging for there very existence and that is hypocrisy in my book.