Nothing else makes sense about what she's saying, when and how she's saying it.
There's a notion being floated that Elizabeth Warren is just giving Hillary Clinton some talking points, some catchphrases, so Hillary can run a more populist/progressive campaign, so Hillary "can run more to the left", and that'll be good enough. But that's ridiculous.
Hillary isn't some nasty Republican, to be sure - someone who wants to put the screws to the poor deliberately, because it feels good, or put the screws to this or that minority group for similar twisted motives. But she's third-way through and through, over a long history, and she's a total hawk. A scary hawk, if you ask me. And she's totally compromised by the rules of quid pro quo -- rules of quid pro quo that Elizabeth Warren forcefully mentions.
I'm going to repeat this in my posts:
Elizabeth Warren doesn't need a $+2billion war chest to win!
Elizabeth Warren needs money, of course, to get her message out - and HUGE grass roots support to make sure her progressive message is heard in the face of the inevitable tsunami of $billion$ of bullshit right-wing campaigning, paid to a field of MSM "pundits" who lap it up like cream (these "pundits" pretend to be "on the left", too -- y'know, fair and balanced, like). But, unlike Hillary, Elizabeth doesn't need the full monty right-wing money machine. Furthermore, I don't think even the full monty right-wing money machine, the $+2billion estimated payout for just one right-wing candidate, will win a general election for Hillary. I think the same machine will install Jeb, in a flash. They do like to do it that way, y'know.