Campaigning hard for a candidate who isn't [View all]
Campaigning hard for a candidate who isn't
DOVER, N.H. Kurt Ehrenberg spent three hours one day this week trying to convince people to try to convince Elizabeth Warren to run for president.
We wouldnt be running this campaign, said Charles Chamberlain, the executive director of Democracy for America, if we didnt think it was very possible.
This is our priority, said Ben Wikler, the Washington director of, and we dont have plans to stop.
Run Warren Run, founded and funded by Democracy for America and, launched in December. The group has nine paid staffers in Iowa and two paid staffers in New Hampshire. It is about to hire two more in New Hampshire. It has offices in Iowa in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids and in New Hampshire in Manchester, in a small, drab building catty-corner form a pizza place, the windows plastered with placards.
So far, according to Chamberlain and Wikler, Run Warren Run has spent approximately $1.25 million, on staff, signs, shirts, cards, stickers and rent. The tally of names who have signed up on the cards or online asking her to run: 325,000. Next up? Maybe more staff in Iowa and New Hampshire, maybe staff in other states, maybe ads on TV.
...They say theres time for Warren to get in; Bill Clinton, after all, didnt announce his 1992 candidacy until October 1991. They point, too, to precedent: The one time Warren ran for public office, she initially didnt want to....
And still no calls from Liz to these organizations, asking them to stop their efforts. Would so love for her to change her mind.