Nobel-Winning Economist Comes to Elizabeth Warren's Defense on Trade [View all]
At a Roosevelt Institute Event, Warren and economist Joseph Stiglitz hit back on the Trans-Pacific Partnership after Obamas harsh words for the Massachusetts senator.
By Eric Garcia
May 12, 2015 Speaking at an event held by the Roosevelt Institute Tuesday morning, Sen. Elizabeth Warren did not let up in her critique of the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership that the White House is proposing. And this time, she got a little help from Nobel-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz.
Stiglitz, while unveiling a new report on inequality, criticized the TPP, calling it a move to increase corporate power at the expense of average Americans that could lead to increased inequality.
Stiglitz also addressed President Obama's recent attacks on progressives over trade, and particularly those against Warren, whom Obama recently called "absolutely wrong" for saying the proposed deal could to lead to the dismantling of Dodd-Frank.
"The president is making some fairly nasty remarks about people on the other side that they don't understand we're in the 21st century," Stiglitz said. "Actually, we do. I don't think he understands what's happened in the last third of a century."