I was *wondering* why could not link to this headline image in the article
As were the researchers, I definitely was Looking in the Wrong Place! Apparently the link saved as a PDF without my realizing itor I saved it with Print Friendly and had forgotten.
On the *other* hand, there is this fascinating article (with an *actual* link)
Abstract [which
can be freely accessed from PubMed. The paragraphs do not existI added for readabilityas the abstract is only *one* paragraph]
With the improvement in modern medicine, the worlds human and feline (Felis catus, the domestic cat) population is aging. As the population grows older, there is an
increase of age-related diseases, such as Alzheimers disease in humans and feline cognitive dysfunction in felines, which shares many similarities with Alzheimers disease.
They both result in cognitive decline and lack effective treatments. In light of their pathological similarities, both occur at old age, and as
domestic cats share the human environment and risk factors (cats are considered an indicator to the effect of environmental contaminants on humans as they share exposures and diseases), cats have the potential to be a spontaneous model for Alzheimers disease.
Classic animal models in many cases fail to predict the results in humans, and a natural model can lead to better prediction of results, thus being both time and cost-effective. The feline disease can be researched in trials that could be simultaneously clinical trials for cats and preclinical trials for humans, also referred to as reverse translational medicine.
As both maladies lack effective medical intervention, new potential treatments are merited. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a promising agent that may improve the life of these patients, as it was shown to potentially treat several of the pathologies found in both conditions. yet there is a need for further research in order to establish the benefits and safety of CBD to both human and feline patients.
Thus this morning's confusion could be a harbinger: perhaps should go searching for CBD products after updating this.
Also, I should *check* the links before posting which, unconscionably, I did not in OP.