than the laws of karma. And when in doubt it is practically infallible.
Once I parked my car on such a slight incline that I thought it was flat ground. I forgot to put the break on and when I returned the car had rolled backwards into the driver's side door of another car. My car wasn't damaged but the other one was. I thought for a moment of just leaving, but the thought of karma and the Golden Rule stopped me. I knew that to leave would come back to me in the same way so the karma part was pretty easy to figure out. And the Golden Rule was simply the right thing to do.
I left all my insurance information and an explanation note on the windshield. The funny thing is a mechanic called me later to ask me if the insurance info was mine and did I mean what I said in the note. I said yes and he was blown away and told me how impressed he was. Then my insurance agent called me to verify that I had indeed left the note. I told her I believe in karma and she said she did too and thought it was very nice of me to do that.
Lots of people believe in karma though they may not talk about it for fear of being ridiculed.