All The President's Men - For Gen X and Younger at DU [View all]
Since today/this week is what it is - in terms of Nixon's departure . . . I wanted to post that I saw ATPM for the first time last month.
I had read the book - but the movie clarified the intensity of the investigation. I wasn't even born when Watergate occurred . . . so I don't have that first hand experience of Shit Ain't Right here.
But the movie really brought it to life. From rat fucking to the threat of death against the two reporters - right down to the (spoiler) type writer giving the headlines at the end of the movie.
If you are like me - not yet born or too young to remember and have never seen it - I strongly recommend watching it. I never really 'let it in' - and I think it explains the disenchantment with the political process that those of us who have parents that were the first/oldest baby boomers went through in the 1970's.
I almost think it was Generation X's Bush Being Appointed moment. That was the moment I went from believing to cynicism.
And a great follow up - The Candidate. Cry/Get Angry first at the amount of lying and sneaky bullshit - then laugh at how we all get sucked in.
I'd love the comments of older DUers on this movie too!