personally, not with my kids. I don't have poor impulse control when it comes to shopping (because I hate shopping) but I do when it comes to getting all of those racing thoughts out of my head. I tend to interrupt people and I hate it! I have worked hard on that over the years.
As for organization, I HAVE to have a place for things or I'd never find them. I still struggle with organization but once I get in the habit of putting things in a certain spot, I'm okay. I'd be lying if I sad I don't still "misplace" stuff. Worse when I'm on a deadline. I can lose something in the same room in minutes!
As for choices, I have found that I don't care enough to be overwhelmed by choices. People will say "Where do you want to go?" and I can easily suggest something. But if people give me too many choices, I just say anywhere. Because I really mean it. I know some people who will say "Oh, I don't feel like pizza, how about bbq?" and I'll say OK. Then they say "Or we could go to that new cafe on 4th?" OK. I'm thinking JUST PICK SOMETHING because it does not matter to me.
I have lost much of the hyperactivity as I've gotten older but I cannot say I wouldn't want to be cured. A peaceful mind/body all of the time would be heavenly to me.