My mother would not let them "just" give me Ritalin. She made them do a lot of testing to make damn sure that that is what I needed. I never did do well in school. Though, I will say I have a learning disability and other things to go along with it.
I hated school. Both kids and faculty were not very nice. I only had a few nice teachers and a few friends. I could never sit and be quiet. Well, I did in school because I hoped that the kids and teachers would forget I was there.
Back then the school faculty had no training or patience for people like me. I was just considered a behavior problem and put on the classes for future criminals as they labeled others like me.
I still have ADHD but as I got older I learned to focus the energy better.
It is a fallacy that you outgrow ADHD. It is with you for the rest of your life. Some still need meds and some learn to focus their energy and some still need both.
I am lucky to have an awesome mother who made sure they did not just look at me and throw pills at me. She worked very hard to help me learn to direct my energy to something positive.
I am surprised however that she did not kill me and that she still has eyes because she was constantly rolling them at me.