I was like this months before. I was not ready to accept myself with a disorder of this sort. I was addicted to chocolates and it was something that I would love to have where ever I go. I had a habit of taking more food when I am tensed or worried. This was a normal thing as I have heard my friends saying this. But my condition was getting worse. Moreover, I was not ready to accept myself being in this situation.
It was a treatment that helped me in this situation.
During the treatment, I researched the reasons and facts of eating disorder. I found following things:
-ED is a mental illness where the relation between the person with ED and food won't be healthy.
-Three main eating disorders include
Anorexia Nervosa is a situation where an individual got the fear of becoming fat
Bulimia Nervosa is the act of binge eating then vomiting
Binge eating disorder is a situation eating until uncomfortably full in one sitting.
-Ed can be caused due to psychological issues like control issues, coping issues etc.
- Approximately 24 million people in the US struggle with this. Almost 50% of these people is under the chains of depression.
-ED have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness.
-Scientist suggests that some girls develop anorexia as they are afraid to separate from their parent's and they develop an ED to halt their sexual developments as a way to avoid leaving childhood.
- Tumors and lesions in the brain have been associated with the development of abnormal eating pattern and symptoms of ED.
- Testosterone may play a significant role in the origins of ED in males.
These were some of the things that I found during my research.