really cool link. [View all]
friend turned me on to this site. really, really great to see people taking it to the next level, and trying to take over the world!!
one of the really frustrating things about my battle with the city is that they and the county have a lot of problems that could be solved with hugelkultur. flooding, denuded vacant land, etc.
had a long talk w the guy in the zoning dept that does urban farm stuff. at the end of the discussion i brought this up, and as we talked he realized that they really did have problems that could be solved with this technique. including the fact that the city is in violation of a state law to remove landscape waste from the waste stream.
he came up with the fact that they are somewhat at a loss when it comes to filling in basements when buildings are torn down.
i have started a conversation with a water reclamation district commissioner. they have huge problems with flood control, and also own large tracts of land that are basically a maintenance headache.
this could work so well for them.
meantime, it turns out that the only animals allowed on urban farms are bees and fish. not even chickens for eggs. wtf?