They still are futzing around with approving dispensary sites, and Rauner said something the other day about not wanting to extend the law after the cut off... I'll tell you, this state is a mess now, and is not looking like it will improve anytime in the near future.
The NRA jammed thru that conceal carry law and literally, within a matter of months the gun freaks were flying their permits high. Sick people are almost two years in, and the state is playing politics and blocking progress every step of the way. The sick people don't have a well financed lobby, and that seems to carry more weight here in our legislature than doing good ever has. We are a state with a Dem controlled House and Senate, and these guys can't muster the will to wipe their collective nose--let alone accomplish helping anybody. I've been in politics for most of my adult life, and I can honestly say the IL Dem Party is in the worst shape right now that I've ever seen it. THAT is how Rauner was able to buy his office.
I really don't want to self medicate. I support full legalization, and have even worked with our local PDA chapter to try and lobby for reform the Illinois zero tolerance laws on metabolites. I'm also coming to a day where I will either have to move someplace where med use is legal and operative, or else roll the dice with the illegal route. I really would prefer not to face that.