Anyone out there use LED lights... [View all]
Im looking to upgrade my lighting system, now Im using t5 HO in an eight bulb fixture. Ive been using these lights for about 6 years, the fixture is getting tired, lost two slots. I use a 4x4x80 grow tent.
The prices for LED lights are rapidly decreasing sooo... time to get more light. Running LEDs is much cheaper in energy usage even beats out compact fluorescents. I grow autos so the lights are on a majority of the time, either 18/6 or more commonly 24 straight. I cant spend barrels of $$$, I need to keep the cost of a light down to under 200 bucks. This is a light I found on Amazon, not the only one but think Ive narrowed it to this one. ?.??
You can adjust the light colors to enhance each stage of the growing process or stay full spectrum.
Any advice or knowledge would be appreciated.
Heres a pic of a bud from my last grow, its Critical Purple it traces its lineage to popular Critical Mass and Big Bud.