I have a love/hate relationship with this forum on DU [View all]
I'm a regular in Drug Policy but this forum is almost too much.
As a cancer "survivor", I turned to cannabis after I lost an astonishing amount of weight and found that this weed was a miracle plant. First time since the late 80s for this gal due to work and drug testing policies. A concerned friend gave me a 1/4 ounce after my first surgery out of fear I was going to starve to death. It worked. Amazingly well. My appetite came back, the weight came back up and my doctor was thrilled (although I didn't tell him why).
That said, I see so much here about strains, and "couch plant" v. "creative highs" and just want to cry.
Here in illegal-town, there is no such thing. You get what you can find on the street - and questions about indica/sativa are met with "wut?".
You get whatever you get - good night and good luck.
I know that formal research on strains is non existent due to scheduling, but at least you in the West have anecdotal 'evidence' that your budtenders can work with.