How to Become a Pastafarian [View all]
1. Simply wish to join the church! That's it according to the official website for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), all that's needed to become a Pastafarian is to want to be one. You do not need to:
* Participate in any sort of ceremony
* Pay any sort of fee
* Make any sort of promise or pledge
* Give up your current religion
* Know anything about Pastafarianism
* Have a literal belief in the FSM
But perhaps most importantly:
6. Most of all, have a good time. Pastafarianism is designed to be a religion that its followers can enjoy. While followers of the FSM range from the extremely casual to the devoted, none should take their Pastafarian beliefs so seriously that they can't crack open a beer on a Friday afternoon the way the FSM intended in his infinite wisdom. Don't get stressed out about anything related to practicing Pastafarianism remember, it's a religion with a holiday called "Ramendan."
If only the followers of ALL religions could be so relaxed and not take their beliefs so seriously! I think the world would be a much better place.