Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: Matt Taibbi Is Going Full Bernie Bro...On Bernie Sanders? [View all]Hortensis
(58,785 posts)replacing what we have with a universalist, collectivist society, even if by far most don't want it. And Sanders is ALSO one of the extremely aggressive, antagonistic populists who are drawn to him, not so much by ideology, but by eagerness to destroy. Sanders didn't just create a mob for them to join but a mob for him to lead.
"These true believers have derailed Sanders campaign and made their leader unelectable."
They followed and reflect their leader, and he them. Sanders failed to lead them all to success, even with the GOP's and Russia's assistance, by making himself unelectable, though it took time for the electorate to make that last clear. And Katie bar the door if he believes he has another potential path to power. It would require destroying Democratic Party opposition. And, I'm assuming, the assistance from hostile powers he has not refused to date.
And no use wondering how Sanders would have done if he'd run on the liberal Democratic principles and promises that draw the large mass of liberal Democratic voters to him, as Biden did. That's literally not in him. He is what he leads.
"I am not now, nor have I ever been, a liberal Democrat." Sanders
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden