Great advice to us all.
As Simon Rosenberg and Joe Trippi pointed out in mid-August, whatever this thing looks like, keep doing the work.
We gotta keep doing the work. No matter what this thing looks like, no matter what it is, we keep doing the work. They keep doing the crazy, we keep doing the work. And run it up everywhere we can. And fight everywhere, including Texas and Florida.
If I can say one last point. . . Everyone's gotta realize what Joe just said is so important. Right now, the people that I'm talking to who are canvassing and making phone calls -- so it's exciting, people are interested. You've got this new candidate, new dynamic. Imagine if you are a marginal voter and you kinda have this new excitement, and then the campaign calls you, or the campaign knocks on your door. Not only is this exciting, but they care about me!
What we are hearing anecdotally from people who are making calls and canvassing, and texting right now, is that the reception is unbelievable. And people are like "thank you for calling me," "I want to volunteer." People are volunteering to volunteer. They are not even having to be asked.
So I think there is this dynamic right now that this huge grassroots army that is already deployed is also moving the needle. It's turning people from potential voters, marginal voters into our supporters. And then that is creating what I call this virtuous cycle of participation. This virtuous cycle is now beginning to kick in in the election.
So anyone who is thinking of working, make your plan now. How are you going to close? Early voting starts in 38 days. What are you going to do? Don't wait. Be active now. It's an amazing time to be talking to voters right now. The response has been incredible. And early vote starts in 38 days. Have your plan now for how you're going to give, how you're going to volunteer, and how you're going to vote on day one. It 's important that everyone vote as early as they can in the early vote. If you do that our campaigns move on to lower propensity voters. It increases voter turn out
It is a great panel!