It's incredible.
He pulls something out of his ass and smart people look at the nonsensical stream of unconsciousness and try to make sense of it, ultimately reading into it things that are simply not there, and then suddenly they're talking about projects and costs and feasibility of something that probably has nothing to do with what he just pulled out of his ass.
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According to Stadnyk, Trump is talking about the Columbia River, which gets its water from Columbia Lake, located south of Invermere, B.C.
The river eventually drains into Oregon before ending up in the Pacific Ocean.
"It provides water to both countries from B.C., from our snow dome glacier or Athabasca Glacier, down into the U.S.(opens in a new tab)," she said.
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"There is not a lot of water in any system just sitting there to be had. We are over-allocated in almost all our systems, for the increases in population that we have and the demands and uses of our water supply, both in Canada and the U.S.," she said.
The consequence would have everlasting impacts on the ecosystem, according to Stadnyk.
She also says a project would cost hundreds of billions of dollars.
"We can't just be taking water and diverting it and sending it somewhere else. Besides that, every time that we're asked to do that, it's a sign that we're living outside of our means," she said.
Stadnyk was perplexed when Trump mentioned a "giant faucet."
She thinks he was referencing the headwaters of the Columbia River, which is fed by a snow dome.
" (The snow dome) is the only one in the world that actually drains to three oceans," she said.